As the over-arching brand for Allstream’s thought leadership initiatives, MindShift was developed as a response to a request from them for a big idea to engage their customers and prospects. With the development of the MindShift, we proposed a thought leadership concept that would take seemingly disparate ideas and relate them back to technology. While not necessarily specific to Allstream’s technology per se, the underlying theme would always come back to Allstream in the end by way of the the target’s engagement with the company and its people. Beneath the MindShift brand we executed events, conferences, e-blasts, journals, newsletters and all manner of sharing.
Fully variable and cross-channel
Event engagement began with a variable invitation to a micro-site designed to provide information about the events and record and set triggers for event registration.
Event micro-sites that recognized and welcomed users
User data from past campaigns and events was available to the system, so in addition to welcoming a user by name, their record was updated when they arrived giving additional information to Allstream for future marketing.
Event banners and collateral