The steps behind a successful program have not changed. Experienced direct marketers will recognize them although the process is approached from a different perspective.


Data-driven communication is key to customer-centricity, and customer-centricity is key to sales. And it begins with a comprehensive Program Design and Strategy.

This is one of our greatest strengths. We begin by gaining an understanding of your goals, the data at your disposal and the desires of your customers or prospects. The sweet spot is where these three intersect. We use them to design a strategy to drive response, consideration and purchase.

That intersection is also a place that requires a deep understanding of strategy, creative and technology and how they interact with each other. It’s only with this understanding that a marketer can evoke a real and effective variable campaign.


We interpret that strategy into a language that will resonate with the customer. We develop compelling concepts and relevant messaging to get your customer and prospect’s attention and move them to act.

While the old formula about targeting accounting for 50% of your response, with the offer timing and creative making up the rest, still rings true; when all other things are equal, creative becomes much more important to your success.

With a long and varied creative background, our roots are grounded in a strong dedication to intelligent concepts designed to engage and delight while still aspiring to a higher aesthetic. Work from our shop is on strategy, on budget and zealously on target. Testament to this is a series of awards across multiple creative disciplines and industries.


Once the creative concept meets the objectives of the program, we apply leading technologies to deploy it across the most effective combination of channels for your target group. Programs are fully integrated in many cases, using multiple touch-points to deliver a relevant exchange of information between client and prospect. Information designed to create dialogue, drive response and build profitable relationships.

Once in market, review and analysis of program results begins. Traditional metrics like response and conversion are, of course, tracked and measured, but in multi-channel environments we look at other metrics as well – channel engagement, time to response, path to purchase and, just as importantly, abandonment. All of this allows us to test and fine tune the program to make it that much more effective in subsequent engagements.